Labour-Management Consultations can be a productive and constructive way to resolve workplace problems. Any exchange of views, which leads to a more informed decision, can only benefit the organization as a whole.

To get the most out of your Labour-Management Consultation Committees, you need to be properly prepared and organized.

The Union of National Employees recently revised Policy CC9 – Establishment of and Participation in Joint Labour-Management Consultation Committees. The primary goal of this initiative was to create a clear and consistent policy that would ensure that we were well positioned for consultation.

We have also developed the following checklist to ensure that consultation at all levels of the organization is effective and efficient.

Labour-Management Consultation Checklist:

Timing of Local, Regional and National Labour Management Consultation Committees
To be most effective consultations should be scheduled to take place prior to decisions being made. This proactive approach allow discussions to be incorporated into the final decision-making process. As prescribed by Policy CC9, issues should be discussed at the previous level before they can be transmitted to the next level in the Labour Management Consultation Process. To assist in this process, we will make every effort to post the schedule of all known National Labour Management Consultations Committees on its website to foster the dovetailing process between Local, Regional and National consultations.

Review Previous Minutes
The minutes of previous meetings becomes the legal record of decision. Therefore it is imperative that the minutes be reviewed to identify inaccuracies. The minutes should also be reviewed to ensure follow-up items are actioned and/or tabled.

Agenda for Labour Management Consultations
Committee members should be canvassed for agenda items. Allow sufficient time for this process to ensure all relevant items make it to the agenda. Callouts will be sent to Locals with the instructions for submitting agenda items for Regional and National Committees. These callouts will take place a minimum of four weeks prior to the consultation meeting.

Agenda items:

Preparatory Meeting
It is essential that all members of the Committee give careful consideration to the issues and discuss their views and/or recommendations. If you are not sure about the potential impact of a policy/decision, seek input from your Service Officer and/or members in the workplace. Consensus should be sought on all issues, prior to meeting with the employer, so that a united front can be achieved.

Actions speak louder than words. Regardless of the minutes and promises made at Labour Management Consultations, the Committee should ensure that the employer follows through with promised actions and/or commitments. Holding the Employer accountable is the most effective way to earn their respect and achieve the desired results.

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